Sociobiodiversity Products

A special look at non-timber forest products

Non-timber forest products are all non-woody plant products such as vegetable waxes, resins, oils and many others...

The supply chain of these items, in addition to promoting forest economy, combines biodiversity conservation and generation of work and income in communities, resulting in environmental and social transformation in the forest, stimulating a more concerned attention to the future of humanity and biodiversity.

The challenges for the development of these value chains are many: it is necessary to guarantee greater investment in infrastructure, technology, communities empowerment, development of skills and knowledge, good production practices, cooperatives, and relationship with the most qualified and fair market.

How SOS Amazônia can help

SOS Amazônia operates in projects in the Amazon, investing in the structuring of community processing centres, in the organization of productive processes and participative management.

Fostering these organized social groups, such as cooperatives and associations of agroextractive producers, are opportunities to strengthen extractive production chains and generate income for traditional communities living in this region of great biodiversity. These organizations have the potential for economic development and especially for social inclusion, gender and the establishment of young people in their communities.


Values of the Amazon

We work to consolidate value chains of Amazonian sociobiodiversity products. Learn more about our projects:

Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa)
Buriti oil is used in the formulation of creams, soaps and shampoos, increases skin elasticity, promotes cell renewal, moisturizes and protects against solar radiation. It is also used as food, as a rich source of beta-carotene (118 mg/100 g of oil), in addition to preventing coronary heart disease.

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