Donated trees

Seeding hope

Your collaboration directly benefits hundreds of Amazonian families.

Support sustainable development in Amazon regions affected by climate change




Who has made a difference

Meet the people who care about the preservation of the Amazon and connect with this cause:

Recent donations


Determinant for the recovery of natural springs and climate balance


Income generation from the implementation of species for commercial use


Diversification of food sources for families with low purchasing power


Raising awareness among children and young people about reforestation

The importance of planting

Why restore natural springs and recover soil cover?

Initially, the project offers workshops on seedling production in community nurseries and soil preparation with green manure, involving beneficiary families.

Next, the implementation of Agroforestry Systems or recovery of springs takes place, prioritizing the maintenance of plantations, with technical visits throughout the process.

Finally, the project guarantees all monitoring and assistance in the implementation of the units, with georeferencing of the managed areas.

About SOS Amazônia


Since 1988, the organization promotes the conservation of biodiversity and the growth of environmental awareness in the Amazon, with a focus on sustainable development models and practices.

How it works

After registering the beneficiary families, Faça Florescer Floresta operates with the following guidelines:


Other ways to support

In addition to making a donation, you can collaborate with our project in several ways:

Create a personalized campaign with your photo and goal and ask your friends and family for donations. Promote environmental impact!

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Corporate campaigns

Raise donations at corporate events or through campaigns within your company. The Amazon needs your support.


We are open to short, medium and long-term partnerships with brands and organizations that care about sustainability in our country.


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